Yes, it is absolutely possible and you can have it.


And let’s face it – you’re a super-smart woman who knows how to figure out and do pretty much anything.

So, why is it that you’re burned out, stressed, and exhausted and you just can’t seem to change it?

Maybe it’s because…

  • You’ve been on your hamster wheel so long, you have so many responsibilities and things to do, that the thought of stopping or changing it all seems completely impossible.

  • You keep on keepin’ on because you think you should. Who are you to want something else or something different? You should just suck it up and get on with it!

  • Even though you want things to change, you just can’t muster the energy to make it happen. Anything beyond what you’re already doing just makes you want to get into the fetal position.

Yeah, it can feel overwhelming – no doubt!


But, you can make this happen and you deserve to make this happen – I’m here to show you how.


Imagine being able to share your worries, frustrations, and stuckness with someone every week who can show you how to transform that current chaotic world into one where you are back in the driver’s seat. You’ll be able to control the demands on your time and you’ll be equipped with the strategies and techniques needed to create a work-life balance that feels good and brings you fulfillment in both your professional and personal life.


Emily-AWorking with Alex has been a valuable experience that has afforded me tools for understanding myself and finding my truth. I immediately felt respected by Alex, and have been able to trust her insights and commitment to the work plan we established. With Alex’s guidance, I have become more capable of confronting difficult topics, and creating action plans for solving problems.

– Emily A. Colorado




Alex is a very talented coach, and I’m grateful for her influence in my life. She helps me to see places where I am stuck, and she has the tools and resources to help me move forward. I come away from every coaching call feeling uplifted and confident that I can succeed. She is fun to work with, and she has the awareness and flexibility to deal with whatever comes up in the call.

– Diane L. Utah




ENTER: Burning Out to Burning Bright 90-Day Coaching, where you and I work together one-on-one to take your life to a whole new level – where burnout, stress, and exhaustion are history!


What is that whole new level?

It’s a life where you get to determine what’s important to you and spend your time the way you want to, not the way you think you should.

It’s a life where you’re no longer overwhelmed by work and resentful that you don’t have more quality time for yourself and for family and friends.

It’s that life you yearn for, where you find meaning and purpose in what you do, and you feel fulfilled.


I hear you asking how all this can be possible? I know it is, because I’ve been where you are, I’ve turned it all around and I can show you how to do the same.


I’m Alex Bratty – Hey there, it’s so great to meet you!  Alex Bratty Thumbnail

My success in beating burnout and stress comes from what I learned in my own transformational journey, combined with my business experience (MBA and all that), and becoming an expert in this field as I coach many other professionals through it.

You see, I’m familiar with most work environments and I’ve worn multiple hats along the way – from management level in a Fortune 500 company to solopreneur of a six-figure company to partner in a multi-million dollar firm.

I not only understand what it’s like to feel burned out and stressed by work, I also know how it happens, how to handle it, and how to beat it.

I know what it takes to help others like you who are just as rundown, exhausted, and burned out as I was so that you too can break free from your grind.


SusanI recommend Alex as an outstanding sounding board and guide. She is one to help us clarify our truth, own up to choices and accept accountability. Solid coaching style. Brilliant thinker.

– Susan H., Nevada



I know by now you’re asking the all-important question, “What’s in it for me? What do I get with this 90-Day Burning Out to Burning Bright Coaching?”


Here’s the deal:


1. 12 weekly calls, 60 minutes in length.

We will look at what’s causing your burnout and stress, assess exactly what’s needed for you to be fulfilled and balanced again, and create an actionable plan and roadmap for you to get there.

Each week, you’ll feel re-energized by forward movement and the satisfaction of reclaiming control over your life, your time, and what’s important to you.

Everything is completely customized to your needs based on where you are right now and where you want to be.


2. Unlimited email access.

During our 90 days, you can shoot me a note any time between our calls so you’ll always have me as a coach and mentor when you need. Ask questions. Seek clarification. Share an experience – whatever’s going on, I’ll be here.


3. A FREE copy of my best-selling book, From Chaos to Clarity: Getting Unstuck & Creating a Life You Love.

It’s a must-read for anyone who is in transition, facing major life choices, or feeling burned out, frustrated, stressed, or trapped in situations that they don’t know how to change.


From Chaos to Clarity is…a step-by-step, soup-to-nuts guide to reclaiming freedom, joy, love and abundance in any area of your life where you are not creating the results you desire…Learn the art of getting unstuck, and you will forever have a reliable formula for transforming any challenge and manifesting any outcome you want to create.”

– Christy Whitman, NY Times Best-Selling Author & Personal Development Expert



4. Unlimited access to my transformational toolbox.

I have developed an entire library of processes, techniques, and how-to guides that can help you deal with pretty much any challenge you may encounter on your journey to beating burnout and stress. I can share these with you on our calls, walk you through them, or send them to you as worksheets after the fact – whatever benefits you the most.


>>> Click Here To Book Your FREE Burnout Assessment Call Now.

We’ll chat about where you’re at, where you want to be, and if we’re a good fit for one another 🙂


pamAlex is a phenomenal coach and intuitively knows the exact questions to ask to facilitate deeper awareness and see things from a new perspective. Alex is the real deal. She has a warm personality and is totally present. Whatever we work on, I always leave our sessions feeling inspired and renewed.

If you desire to be the best you can be and attract what you want in every area of your life, I wholeheartedly recommend her.

– Pam H., Vancouver

Alex has been excellent in helping me navigate a difficult series of transitions both in my personal and professional life. Her compassion, open-mindedness, and eagerness to help make her a talented coach.

I particularly appreciate her focus not only on identifying issues but also on helping you move past previous hang-ups or detrimental ways of thinking.

– Justine A., South Carolina


You know there’s more to life than feeling burned out, exhausted, and stressed. And, you deserve more.


True fulfillment and a life you love are closer than you think – you just need to take the first step.


>>> Click Here To Book Your FREE Burnout Assessment Call Now.

We’ll chat about where you’re at, where you want to be, and if we’re a good fit for one another 🙂